Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seminar: Occupational Health & Safety Committee Members Workshop - 26th & 27th March 2015

Quality in Fire Service Delivery


26th & 27th March 2015

Target Group         :         Health and safety committee members, Security Managers,
Human Resource Managers, Safety Health & Quality Managers,
Building caretakers, county government safety officers, Fire
Fighting Departments, Universities Security Team, County
Governments’ Ministries in-charge of safety, Safety Projects
Managers and their support staff

Head Office          :         Along Thika – Garissa Road
P. O. Box 3238 – 01002 Thika
Tel: +254-20-2499786, 0720-430336, 0733-386633

Core Business        :         Fire safety audit | health & safety audit | risk assessment
Medical examination | Noise Survey |EIA & EA Audits
Fire safety training | Leadership training | First aid training |HSE Training and Fire Marshal Training | Tailor-made seminars on safety | Fire Equipment Supply & Installation



Duration                     :           Two (2) days (26th – 27th March, 2015)
Venue                          :           Methodist Guest House & Conference Centre, Nairobi
Cost                             :           Kshs.40600/= (inclusive VAT) per delegate
                                                            [Cost includes breakfast & lunches, seminar fee & training materials]

1.0 Why you should attend this workshop
The Kenya Occupational Health and Safety Act 2007 require workplaces to have health and safety committees and the ISO 18001 sets standards for Occupational Health & Safety Management. Many organizations have these committees in place and headed by the human resources managers, HSE managers, security managers e.t.c. It is prudent for the chairperson of the Health and Safety Committees to be taken through the Health and Safety Act 2007 requirements with a hands-on demonstrations on records management, claim for refund application and procedure, training reporting, drill execution and reporting, and finally developing the workplace health and safety policy.

1.1 What you will learn from the experts
 By the end of this course you will be able to:
*      Understand the requirements for compliance with the Health & Safety laws in Kenya
*      Understand your role in implementing and maintaining HSE consultation and participation processes
*      Identify, assess and control risks within the premises
*      Implement and maintain the latest Health and Safety Management System
*      Latest trends in risks assessment within production operations
*      Develop a health and safety policy; A Fire Safety Policy; A First Aid Policy; and Environmental Policy
*      Aligning Health & Safety policiesto the vision and the mission of the organization
*      Detail the roles of the Health and Safety Committee members to the requirements of the law and the premises
*      Learn the various reporting methods applied for various incidences in Health and Safety.
*      Learn the application of ISO Standardization on Occupational Health and Safety commonly referred as the ISO 18001.
*      The new ISO standardization, ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management which is envisaged to replace the ISO 18001.

1.2 Course Contents
*      The health and safety laws in Kenya
*      HSE consultation and participation processes
*      Risks identification, assessment and control within premises
*      Health and Safety Management System
*      Production Operations & Risks Assessment
*      Hands on Practice: Developing policies related to Health & Safety at the workplace
*      Strategic Health and Safety Project Management
*      Roles of Health and Safety Committee Members
*      Reporting in Health & Safety
*      ISO 18001 for Occupational Health & Safety Management
*      ISO 45001 envisaged to replace the ISO 18001 for Occupational Health & Safety Management.

1.3 Who should attend?
Health and safety committee members, Security Managers, Human Resource Managers, Safety Health & Quality Managers, Building caretakers, county government safety officers, Fire Fighting Departments, Universities Security Team, County Governments’ Ministries in-charge of safety, Safety Projects Managers and their support staff

1.4 Benefits
*      Certificate of participation to all attending
*      Proficiency in Health & Safety Systems Management
*      Interaction with others in your field for experience


Seminar: Role of County Government in Crisis and Disaster Management - 19th & 20th March 2015

Quality in Fire Service Delivery


Role of County governments in
Crisis and Disaster Management
19th – 20th March 2015

Kenya Office         :         Along Thika – Garissa Road
P. O. Box 3238 – 01002 Thika
Tel: +254-20-2499786, 0720-430336, 0733-386633

Our Core Business     :         Fire safety audit | health & safety audit | risk assessment
Medical examination | Noise Survey |EIA & EA Audits
Fire safety training | Leadership training | First aid training |HSE Training and Fire Marshal Training | Tailor-made seminars on safety | Fire Equipment Supply & Installation


SEMINAR: Role of County Government in Crisis and Disaster Management

Duration                     :           Two (2) days (19th – 20th March, 2015)
Venue                          :           Methodist Guest House & Conference Centre, Nairobi
Cost                             :           Kshs.87000/= (inclusive VAT) per delegate

1.0 Why you should attend this workshop
County disaster management officers are faced with a variety of concerns on disaster management. It is crucial for County supervisors to know how to respond to employees concerns while maintaining the effectiveness of their work group and agencies. County government employees need to be prepared to respond to disasters that may strike whether natural or human-made as the overwhelming forces of a disaster can have far reaching effects on workers and the organization as a whole. This training brings to life the challenges of managing disasters in Kenya and outlines the key management principles of planning, organizing, coordinating and leading so that you can take on the role of a disaster management professional.

1.1 What you will learn from the experts
By the end of the training programme, the participants will be able:
*      To understand the importance of Workplace Emergency Preparedness Program
*      To identify hazards (man-made emergencies) that causes accidents in workplace
*      To know how to use the available fire protection at workplace
*      To determine the structure of who will do and what to do during emergency situations
*      To assess company safety performance through understanding and formulation of Loss Prevention Program
*      To deepen participants’ theoretical and practical understanding of issues involved in the management of workplace crises and mass disasters
*      To increase participants’ capacity for innovative planning and implementation of policy in response to crises and mass disasters
*      Have comprehensive knowledge to the participants on disaster preparedness, mitigation and rehabilitation.
*      To carry out common risk assessment and vulnerability analysis.
*      Develop communication skills for disaster preparedness.

1.2 Course Contents
Role of employees in Crises and Disaster Management
*      Basics of crisis and disaster management
*      Obligations of the organizations imposed by Kenyan law
*      The crisis and disaster management stages
*      Establishing crisis and disaster management teams
*      The role of workplace crisis and disaster management manager
*      Emergency response scenarios during disaster management
*      Developing a contingency plan
*      The workplace safety and disaster management checklist
*      The workplace vulnerability and risk assessment
*      Innovative planning and policy implementation
*      Formulation of workplace loss prevention programme
*      Role of ICT in disaster management
*      Communication skills for disaster preparedness

1.3 Who should attend?
Central Government, County government employees, Private sector organisations, Charities and NGOs, Regional Offices, Staff working in Insurance industry, Staff in the microfinance and banking sector, Staff with a leadership role in crisis, Staff responsible for crisis communications and media handling, Staff new to crisis management roles or needing a refresher, Crisis and Disaster managers, Risk managers, Development officers, Fire Department Personnel, Police officers, Health officers, Traffic and county security personnel, Town planners, NGO staff, Private security and rescue companies.