Author Reference
Lango, B. (2016). Project “IT’S BIG IT HAS
NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE” Just another sweet coated name for Gambling. Intel Fire Group of Companies Blog.
Nairobi, Kenya. July (15).
Most probably you must have heard
these words a thousand times this week in all media outlets in Kenya with the
mainstream media leading the cue. Of course, “IT’S BIG…” is no doubt the new
phenomenon and its choreography of targeting the youth makes it above the rest
when it comes to gambling 101. Stories and stories have been told of people gambling
their future and the future of their generations away but that was before the
coming of the words “IT’S BIIIIG…” now the stories will probably change to
people and especially the youth gambling their peace of mind, their sole and self-belonging
away is search of happiness. The world casino directory which is world largest
directory on gambling 101 places Nairobi at the first position in Gambling Kenya. With the directory being
updated last in 2015 it lists Nairobi as having 18 gambling facilities, of
course before the coming of “IT’S BIG…”
Since today it is about things BIG,
the world’s biggest dictionary defines gambling as an action of an individual taking risky action in the hope of a desired
result. From the look of it even the world’s largest dictionary is yet to
update its definitions and the word gambling
would then be something like: An action
of an individual (not a robot or machine) taking risky action in the hope of
gaining monetary and material reward for a better life. This simple
definition can be brought closer home to your living room when you replace the individual aspect with your son or daughter, husband or wife, or a close
friend and you realize how real gambling is leading the minds of young and
old alike away from this country to nearby countries as they spend the money
they intend to earn before earning it. A game that was initially left to the rich
in the society with ambitions of reducing their richness prowess, gambling has metamorphosed
with the development in technology. You no longer need to visit casinos; neither
horseracing tracks nor the sports-betting parlours to gamble as this palliative
activity is now at your fingertips no wonder they advise that you let your
fingers do the gambling. In gambling everybody is a winner so they say but this
is the exact opposite as everyone is a loser until one is declared big loser
among losers. Just like drug abuse, gambling also leads to addiction and a
person with such an addiction can go on a gambling craze where they view
anything and everything inform of an opportunity to becoming a millionaire. And
just like alcohol abuse is prohibited to under-18 years old it will be prudent
for gambling to be prohibited for the same age bracket and further dare suggest
that it be prohibited to any married couple without the consent of the other.
As you take time to gamble after
reading this extract assess whether you are rich enough and have the urge to
reduce your richness or are you are poor enough to auction your sole. Gambling
is not for the faint hearted so they say but also remember that the brave
individuals also have a heart and gambling is not one of its destinies. Remember
tomorrow it will be “YOU WERE BIG, YOU
The writer is a PhD Generalist in
Service Delivery and Project Management and A lecturer at JKUAT, Kenya
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