Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to pen New Year Resolution

Author Reference
Benard, L. (2015): How to pen New Year Resolution Projects. Intel Fire Group of Companies Blog. Nairobi, Kenya.
The year has finally come to an end and it is that time of the month that people, you included, attempt to write their resolutions for the year. Most authors of the topic on new year resolutions tend to generalize the concept to mean implementing programmes within the year where the time limits is dictated by 1st January and 31st December. This is a fallacy that must be unmasked in order for an individual to make a solid resolution for the year. New Year Resolution in this context therefore can be defined as the strategic projects that an individual intends to accomplish within a given period of time of a year in order to realize his/her dream of self-worth. So how do you write New Year resolutions considering that you need to achieve more than you did in the just concluded year?  As indicated in the definition New Year resolutions are strategic projects and in order to implement them, there must be a strategic plan. Therefore, one should consider writing a strategic plan based on an individual and not a company as is the norm. Let this be therefore your guide to writing an individual strategic plan as you consider undertaking strategic projects in the year starting this January.

1. Consider your strategic pillars of the year: Economic, Social and Political
Just like a business strategic plan the projects you intend to undertake must be based on certain prospects that they are geared towards achieving. In our case these prospects of achievement are economic, social and political. It should not be forgotten that every individual seek to achieve success in life and that success is defined differently by different people in different environments. In the Kenyan context, though, it is easy to define success as various communities have their own way of describing success. An example in the central Kenya would be “success being achieved when you own a plot, drives a car and own a house somewhere” while the lakeside city this is very different as success if defined as “owning a big car and having money to entertain your peers”. Despite your definition of success in life, as the year starts outline the pillars that are going to direct your achievements for the year that must be in turn directed towards your greater vision. Remember, whatever it is you would like to achieve in three or five year period starts now and this is what is referred to as a vision.

2. Projects geared towards achieving your economic stability
Most people view success in terms of economic endowment and the more economic stability you have, the more successful you are perceived to be. Therefore in drawing your resolutions for the year the economic aspects of your life is a priority and how you are going to ensure you maintain this stability is key. It is important therefore to identify projects that you will undertake within a year that are solely geared towards achieving this stability. Examples of New Year Resolutions geared towards economic stability would include the following:
a.      Buy 3 residential plots in Kitengela for re-sale.
b.      Start a rabbit rearing business to subsidize current income.
c.       Increase sales index by 10% at current home deco business.
 From the list above, it is eminent that the resolutions are geared towards economic achievement of the individual. Consider listing all the economic projects that you intend to undertake during the year with a view that your start and end time are January and December respectively. Over-listing the projects becomes ambitious and may not be implemented as you will be overwhelmed and the other projects not related to your economic stability also need to be undertaken.

3. Projects geared towards achieving your social stability
As an individual, your prosperity also involves having a just and cohesive family that enjoys equitable social development in a clean and secure environment at your expense. This means that every individual is born in a society that expects a lot from them in terms of their education, health, sanitation, culture, equity, and poverty eradication. Therefore there are those projects that are specifically designed to achieve social satisfaction within an individual or family setting. The example of these kind of projects will include:
d.      Erect a 5000 litre tank at rural home
e.      Register for masters at a local university
f.        Organize an all-white birthday for your lovely son/daughter.
All the above listed projects are geared towards achieving social stability and every individual has one or two major projects of this nature. List all of them down separately, then again as indicated in step 1 select the most immediate and those that can be accomplished within the year.

4. Projects geared towards achieving your political stability
Stemming from the Greek word politikos, politics is the practice and theory of influencing people. This can either be local politics at your local village or church level; national politics which is usually common with the politicians commonly referred to as members of parliament; and international politics which usually involves the superpowers commonly referring themselves as the G8 or something of the sort. For purposes of this script we concern ourselves with local politics that emanates from the family level to the locality of your settings. Every individual, psychosocially, to some extent has a political ambition which might include influencing their church members through holding positions, or influence community through village elder position, or influence students through congressman position, or…the list is endless. Therefore, as an individual, your political ambitions are also projects which must be part of your resolutions for the year and not just empty words of wisdom coming from what most political practitioners refer to as “a higher call by their constituents”. Example of these individual political ambitions would be:
g.      Join the estate security committee within the year.
h.      Start a foundation to support disadvantaged young bright children in my local community.
i.        Join my church committee on projects management.
 These projects are politically geared towards you influencing people in the various cadre of life. Politically speaking, you become a politician when these sorts of project take too much of your time. You can therefore contribute to sound political attribution in your society by planning for political projects that are achievable and well resonate with your resolves for success in the year.

5. Compiling final list of strategic projects
From the three categories of your strategic projects select the ones that will make it to the final list of resolutions for the year. Remember in mind that a good year resolution should have not more than three mega projects, not more than five middle-range finance intensive and not more than 6 non-finance intensive projects. Therefore, your projects list should not be more than 15 but should cover all the above three pillars (again if those are your major pillars). Our final strategic projects list will be outlined as follows:

[[[[[[[[[[[[[  SAMPLE NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS  ]]]]]]]]]]
1.    Buy 3 residential plots in Kitengela for re-sale.                                       
2.    Start a rabbit rearing business to subsidize current income.                 
3.      Increase sales index at current home deco business by 10%
4.      Erect a 5000 litre tank at rural home
5.      Register for masters at a local university
6.      Organize an all-white birthday for your lovely son/daughter.
7.      Join the estate security committee within the year.
8.      Start a foundation to support disadvantaged young bright children in my local community.
9.      Join my church committee on projects management. 
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[                                  ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
 Now you are well enlightened and ending the year on a high note and probably thinking of how you are going to revise your New Year resolutions. Please take note that most people have high hopes for the New Year and completely forget the year that was. It is prudent to take into account the happenings of the just concluded year on your life and the previous resolutions. Always focus on your pillars which in many instances are viewed from the aspects of economic, social and political scenarios.

The writer is a PhD Generalist in Public Safety Service Delivery

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