Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Student dies after being struck by lightening...what to avoid and the lessons

Bungoma, Kenya: Grief struck Koshok village in Mt Elgon Constituency, Bungoma County, following the death of a student who was struck by lightning while playing football. The Form Three student at Kapsokwony Boys High School, who was a middle fielder for Koshok Football Club died on the spot during the Monday incident at Sendera Secondary School grounds. Two other footballers sustained slight injuries and were rushed to Kapsokwony Hospital where they were treated and later discharged. Residents who spoke to The Standard said the area is prone to lightning strikes, which have resulted in loss of lives and property. They called upon well-wishers to assist in installing lightning arresters in the area to end the avoidable incidents. Mt Elgon OCPD John Onditi confirmed the incident and asked members of the public to be careful, especially during the ongoing rain season. “We are asking the residents to avoid situations that make them susceptible to be struck by lightning. Let them ensure they don’t shelter under trees or walk in the rain. The young people should not also play in the rain,” he said.
What to avoid

Avoid being out in any open areas like fields, golf courses, or parking lots. Here you are the tallest thing around, and the easiest target. 
Stay away from forms of metal. Lightning is electricity and metal is a conductor of electricity. So are you. You and the metal together make a fine target.  

Stop swimming and get away from water. Water is a conductor. 
Don’t stand under tall objects like trees or towers. As tall objects, these are easy targets, and the electricity might jump to you too.  

Don’t carry an umbrella. You may get soaked if it starts raining, but it's better than dying. 
Find a car and get in it. Cars are very safe places to be during lightning storms. Even though it is metal and seems like a perfect target, if it is struck the electricity will conduct through metal in the car, and around your body, not through it, and into the ground.  

If you get caught in an open field during a lightning storm, find a ditch to lie in if possible. If not, crouch down with your head between your knees (and don’t lie flat). Try to become as small as possible.

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